Syarat Melamar di Posisi Facility Admin di PT. Ebara Turbomachinery Services Indonesia
Dibutuhkan 1 staff pada/diperkerjakandi-} posisi Pekerjaan Facility Admin di PT. Ebara Turbomachinery Services Indonesia yang bertempat di daerah Mulyasari, Ciampel, Kab. Karawang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Adapun yang dibutuhkan adalah seorang dengan:
- Gender Laki – Laki / Perempuan
- Pendidikan Sarjana
- Status pernikahan menikah & belum menikah.
- Umur Calon Pegawai adalah antara s.d. tahun.
- Fisik Pelamar : Non Disabilitas
- Skill yang dibutuhkan : catering, Building, Microsoft Excel, English Language
Kualifikasi Pelamar
Mandatory responsible manage catering and facility office
Kisaran Gaji
Kisaran Gaji adalah s.d. *
Bandingkan Gaji yang ditawarkan ini dengan Kebutuhan Anda juga dengan UMR Kota tempat Perusahaan ini berada yaitu Mulyasari, Ciampel, Kab. Karawang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, Jika Anda cocok maka silahkan lanjutkan, Jika tidak cocok silahkan cari lowongan lainnya sesuai kemampuan dan minat serta gaji yang Anda inginkan.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Tingkat Kesulitan dalam wawancara : normal
- To manage & administer all business processes related to General Office Administration including
- Office Utilities, Facility & Couriers
- Obtain quotations and place Purchase Orders from suppliers for office services / products
- Departmental Supplies & Office Housekeeping / Maintenance / Repair, etc.
- Manage Transportation, Security & Catering for the Service Shop
- To enhance the Organisation’s culture and image amongst internal employees and external visitors
- To make use of the best practices available to reduce cost, be efficient and be most productive.
- Ultimate goal is to enable the management and staff to operate effectively and efficiently.
- Requires Bachelor’s Degree in Administration or General Service role
- Minimum 5 years related experience in above areas
- High English Proficiency is mandatory
- Maintain Confidentiality
- Excellent Verbal & Written Communication Skills
- Good Computer Skills
- Organizational ability to prioritize duties, work independently and attention to detail.
- Broad knowledge of Elliott structure and internal operational procedures.
- Ability to deal in a mature, professional manner, make decisions on a daily basis and must be resourceful.
- Utilize time effectively, be trustworthy and confident enough to work independently with minimal supervision
- Have Professional presence
- This position requires a broad scope of skills related to both general business practices and specific company
- related processes, specifically in Facilities Management and Office Administration.
- Extensive travel needs of other employees in the organization will require this position to make day-to-day business
- decisions up to an established level
- Job demands high degree of versatility and flexibility to accommodate changing priorities at short notice.
- Internal – Regional staff and management, executives, overseas Elliott employees
- External – Extensive communication with different business partners such as suppliers and outside support agencies
This position does not initially direct the work of other employees other than vendors and contractors Individual contributor
General Office Admin
- To manage activities relating to the office facilities liaising with the relevant suppliers including ordering departmental supplies and managing office equipment repairs.
- Manage Transportation, Security guard vendor & Catering for the Service Shop
- Fully responsible for cleanliness in all facility areas
- Management of employee facilities (Air Conditioners, Toilet, Copier etc.)
- Conduct Gemba activity periodically to check for abnormalities in Facility area; take corrective actions immediately and prepare preventive action plans.
- Manage office consumable needs; office stationery, pantry supplies, office furniture, printing supplies and equipment, domestic and international courier accounts, etc.
- Coordinate timely payment of all bills and Invoices related with facility, utility, and office supplies.
- PIC of company asset (manage quality and maintenance records and provide regular quantity reports of company assets, for example factory key, vehicle, CCTV, etc.
- PIC of Employee Medical check-up (arrange, review and follow up, coordinate with HSE to define MCU needs)
- Maintain accurate and up-to-date manual & electronic office administrative filing systems
- Promote Elliott’s corporate culture and friendly atmosphere through successful intercommunication and team-building
Purchase Order Management
- Obtain and evaluate quotations from suppliers for services / contractors
- Place purchase order on selected vendor / supplier
- Manage travel arrangements (hotels / airlines / travel agent /Taxi / travel advances, etc.)
- Manage annual agreements for best rates with travel vendors
- Any other job assignments as may be required by the Company, from time to time
Profil Perusahaan
Kode Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan : 12920.28113.20181004.0-002
ID Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan : e9bc1ab4-b71b-457e-8a09-8bacc2fdc2a0
ID Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia (KBLI) Business ID : 63b29ecc-fe55-4aa7-9058-baa133757985
Tentang Perusahaan
Industry : Heavy Equipment & Industrial Machinery
e-mail :
Telepon : (021)5229563
Alamat : 5th Flr. Wing C, Menara Duta
Jl.H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B9
Jakarta 12910 INDONESIA
Latitude :
Longitude :
Website :
Cara dan Waktu Melamar
Perhatikan! Sebelum Melamar Pastikan Anda sudah memenuhi Syarat dan ketentuan yang dicari oleh perusahaan agar tidak membuang waktu, tenaga dan uang Anda. Jika Anda sudah yakin memenuhi syarat serta Anda juga cocok dengan Gaji serta Pekerjaan yang ditawarkan serta Lokasi Kerja, maka silahkan Kirimkan Lowongan Kerja Anda.
Lowongan bisa dikirimkan mulai 2024-01-26 00:39:17 dan harus dikirimkan sebelum 2024-12-31 16:59:59.
Dari Lowongan yang dibutuhkan yaitu 1 Lowongan, sudah diterima sebanyak 0 Kandidat.
Anda bisa mengirimkan Lowongan melalui Jalur di bawah ini :
- Email ke :
- Alamat Perusahaan : PT. Ebara Turbomachinery Services Indonesia, 5th Flr. Wing C, Menara Duta
Jl.H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B9
Jakarta 12910 INDONESIA, (021)5229563, - Lewat Link di bawah ini
Masih ada Pertanyaan tentang Lowongan Kerja, Perusahaan ini dan lain – lain? Anda bisa kontak ke :