Syarat Melamar di Posisi ENGINEER ELECTRICAL & INSTRUMENTATION di PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara/84457
PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara/84457 mencari 1 staff ditempatkan diperkerjakanpada posisi Tugas ENGINEER ELECTRICAL & INSTRUMENTATION pada PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara/84457 yang berlokasi di daerah Sekongkang Atas, Sekongkang, KAB. SUMBAWA BARAT, NUSA TENGGARA BARAT, Indonesia
Adapun yang dibutuhkan adalah seorang dengan:
- Jenis Kelamin Laki – Laki / Perempuan
- Pendidikan Sarjana
- Status pernikahan menikah & belum menikah.
- Usia Calon Pegawai adalah antara s.d. tahun.
- Fisik Pelamar :
- Skill yang dibutuhkan : electric, PLC, instrument
Kualifikasi Pelamar
· A Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering or a related field with minimum of 8 years’ experience with demonstrated project management in Mill Expansion/ Power Plant Construction / EPC Industry, and minimum of 5 years experiences as Engineer Mechanical, and minimum 3 years in site based;
· Professional Engineer (PE) license is preferred; Knowledge of electrical design software, such as AutoCAD and Revit; Familiarity with construction project management software and tools;
· Experience in designing electrical systems for construction projects; Experience in reviewing and approving electrical design documentation, such as shop drawings and submittals; Experience in providing technical support and expertise during the construction phase; Experience in commissioning and testing electrical systems;
· Possess leadership traits and organizational, scheduling & time management skills; Ability to work both independently and as a team player and thrive in a fast paced, high pressure environment dependent on managing multiple project timelines and schedules simultaneously; Ability to communicate well, and work productively with internal and external individuals; A commitment to safety and a desire to maintain our Indonesian mining operations to world class international safety standards; Demonstrate strong conceptual skills, and capable of developing lateral and practical solutions; High level of integrity and commitment; Good analytical, conflict resolution, sound decision making skills;
· Excellent in communication skills in English both verbal and written; computer literate.
Kisaran Gaji
Kisaran Gaji adalah IDR 8000000 s.d. 10000000 *
Bandingkan Gaji yang ditawarkan ini dengan Kebutuhan Anda juga dengan UMR Kota tempat Perusahaan ini berada yaitu Sekongkang Atas, Sekongkang, KAB. SUMBAWA BARAT, NUSA TENGGARA BARAT, Indonesia, Jika Anda cocok maka silahkan lanjutkan, Jika tidak cocok silahkan cari lowongan lainnya sesuai kemampuan dan minat serta gaji yang Anda inginkan.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Tingkat Kesulitan dalam wawancara : normal
· Responsible for the design, development, and implementation of electrical systems for construction projects. The position works closely with the project team to ensure that the electrical systems meet project specifications, industry standards, and regulations. The Electrical Engineer also provides technical support and expertise to the project team during the construction phase.
· Design electrical systems for construction projects, including power distribution, lighting, and communication systems.
· Develop and review electrical drawings, specifications, and calculations.
· Coordinate with other design disciplines, such as civil, mechanical, and structural engineers, to ensure that the electrical systems are integrated with the overall project design.
· Review and approve electrical design documentation, such as shop drawings and submittals.
· Provide technical support and expertise to the project team during the construction phase, including resolving technical issues and providing solutions to problems.
· Ensure that the electrical systems meet project specifications, industry standards, and regulations, such as NEC, IEC, and NFPA.
· Conduct site visits to monitor the construction progress and provide guidance and support to contractors and installers.
· Prepare and review commissioning and testing plans for electrical systems.
Profil Perusahaan
Kode Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan : 84457.07294.20220922.1-001
ID Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan : 1f0e7672-e386-4b4c-b921-105242cc13b9
ID Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia (KBLI) Business ID : 1cd75499-757e-45bc-94d6-a1b31f08f5ec
Tentang Perusahaan
Industry : Mining Oil & Gas
e-mail :
Telepon : 0372-635318
Alamat : Buin Batu, Sekongkang Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat
Latitude :
Longitude :
Website :
Cara dan Waktu Melamar
Perhatikan! Sebelum Melamar Pastikan Anda sudah memenuhi Syarat dan ketentuan yang dicari oleh perusahaan agar tidak membuang waktu, tenaga dan uang Anda. Jika Anda sudah yakin memenuhi syarat serta Anda juga cocok dengan Gaji serta Pekerjaan yang ditawarkan serta Lokasi Kerja, maka silahkan Kirimkan Lowongan Kerja Anda.
Lowongan bisa dikirimkan mulai 2024-04-02 12:59:30 dan harus dikirimkan sebelum 2024-05-02 15:59:59.
Dari Lowongan yang dibutuhkan yaitu 1 Lowongan, sudah diterima sebanyak 0 Kandidat.
Anda bisa mengirimkan Lowongan melalui Jalur di bawah ini :
- Email ke :
- Alamat Perusahaan : PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara/84457, Buin Batu, Sekongkang Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat, 0372-635318,
- Lewat Link di bawah ini
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