Syarat Melamar di Posisi SENIOR SPECIALIST IT SUPPORT di PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara/84457
Dibutuhkan 1 staff ditempatkan diperkerjakandi posisi Tugas SENIOR SPECIALIST IT SUPPORT di PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara/84457 yang berlokasi di kota Sekongkang Atas, Sekongkang, KAB. SUMBAWA BARAT, NUSA TENGGARA BARAT, Indonesia
Adapun yang dibutuhkan adalah seorang dengan:
- Jenis Kelamin Laki – Laki / Perempuan
- Tamatan Sarjana
- Status pernikahan menikah & belum menikah.
- Usia Pelamar adalah antara s.d. tahun.
- Fisik Pelamar :
- Skill yang dibutuhkan : information technologies, systems analysis
Kualifikasi Pelamar
· Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology. Computer-related major
· Ten (10) years of experience in supporting end-user computing device and software. Experience in mass OS imaging with supported software; Exposure to Endpoint Management system to manage device and software; Prefer for broad exposure to other IT domain such as system administration for network appliance, CCTV, and Server.
· Exposure to support senior management or VVIP user.
· Working knowledge of Windows Client OS, iOS/iPadOS, Android and MacOS. Decent understanding of common service within end user environment such as DHCP, DNS, Active Directory, GPO, Web Filtering, Antimalware.
· Leads with integrity and respect; Excellent analytical, technical skills and auditing techniques (i.e. Operations, Investigation, IT internal control); Ability to work effectively with diverse populations and to engage in a collaborative, results-oriented team environment; Exceptional ability to work on and manage multiple projects and responsibilities effectively; Has initiative, planning & organising skills, interpersonal skills, teamwork, client focus; communicative, and able to work under pressure are preferred character traits.
· Strong presentation, verbal and written communication, and interviewing skills; Must be capable of presenting results to senior management.
· Excellent communication skills in English both verbal and written and computer literate.
Kisaran Gaji
Kisaran Gaji adalah s.d. *
Bandingkan Gaji yang ditawarkan ini dengan Kebutuhan Anda juga dengan UMR Kota tempat Perusahaan ini berada yaitu Sekongkang Atas, Sekongkang, KAB. SUMBAWA BARAT, NUSA TENGGARA BARAT, Indonesia, Jika Anda cocok maka silahkan lanjutkan, Jika tidak cocok silahkan cari lowongan lainnya sesuai kemampuan dan minat serta gaji yang Anda inginkan.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Tingkat Kesulitan dalam wawancara : normal
· To provide dedicated operational support for broad range of IT users including VVIP within certain location such as Jakarta office.
· To extend the support via remotely and/or beyond normal office hour and/or outside office location when required.
· As extension from the specialized IT group on site, provide operation and project support to network infrastructure, CCTV, Data Center, etc. relevant to the supported location (e.g. Jakarta Office). Liaise with Service Desk and the respective team.
· Comply with all company Policies, Standard and Procedures
· Fulfill service request, resolve incident and problem from the IT users in the supported location (office building and/or company-supported resident).
· Manage and responsible for the corporate endpoint device relevant to the supported location (laptop, desktop, monitor, feature phone, smart device, printer, desk phone). It covers from the process of asset inventory, storage, provisioning, assignment, withdrawal, and disposal.
· Perform software asset management in the supported operating system (Microsoft Windows Operating System, MacOS, iOS/iPadOS and Android) which include OS imaging, enrollment, software installation, license assignment, and support.
· Provide support for event or meeting with the related conferencing system (projector, wireless presentation, sound, lighting) on the meeting room or other requested location
· The support extends the service to administer and support backend services such as (but not limited to) RADIUS user management, Wireless Access Points, Network, Wiring, CCTV System, and non-IT service such as Physical Access Security and Indoor Lighting System
· Liaise with Service Desk and relevant specialized IT support group on-site.
· Escalate request, incident, or problem to the relevant third-party support through the appropriate channel agreed.
· To coordinate with third party support for incident/problem/request escalation
Profil Perusahaan
Kode Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan : 84457.07294.20220922.1-001
ID Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan : 1f0e7672-e386-4b4c-b921-105242cc13b9
ID Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia (KBLI) Business ID : 1cd75499-757e-45bc-94d6-a1b31f08f5ec
Tentang Perusahaan
Industry : Mining Oil & Gas
e-mail :
Telepon : 0372-635318
Alamat : Buin Batu, Sekongkang Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat
Latitude :
Longitude :
Website :
Cara dan Waktu Melamar
Perhatikan! Sebelum Melamar Pastikan Anda sudah memenuhi Syarat dan ketentuan yang dicari oleh perusahaan agar tidak membuang waktu, tenaga dan uang Anda. Jika Anda sudah yakin memenuhi syarat serta Anda juga cocok dengan Gaji serta Pekerjaan yang ditawarkan serta Lokasi Kerja, maka silahkan Kirimkan Lowongan Kerja Anda.
Lowongan bisa dikirimkan mulai 2024-05-29 15:38:31 dan harus dikirimkan sebelum 2024-06-28 07:59:59.
Dari Lowongan yang dibutuhkan yaitu 1 Lowongan, sudah diterima sebanyak 0 Kandidat.
Anda bisa mengirimkan Lowongan melalui Jalur di bawah ini :
- Email ke :
- Alamat Perusahaan : PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara/84457, Buin Batu, Sekongkang Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat, 0372-635318,
- Lewat Link di bawah ini
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